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Bridal Beauty

By 8:07 AM

Bridal Beauty ……..

It’s your Wedding Day and don’t you want to look AMAZING!!!! Well of course you do so here are a few tips that might help you look flawless.

 1.  Hire a professional … if you are not good at knowing what blends well or what color goes well with your skin or what foundation you need to use… Chances are you need a professional. Professional make up artist pride themselves on making you look beautiful but natural on your wedding day.  Also see if they will do a trial run so that you both will be comfortable …. They can take notes and you can say what you like and what you don’t like.
 2.  Practice Makes Perfect …. If you decide that a make up artist doesn’t fit in your budget… I encourage you to go a make up counter (M.A.C or Macy’s) and let them do a trial run on you. Trial runs are important because you can see what looks good on you and when you do it at the counter they will sell you all the makeup and the utensils that will be needed to recreate the look.
 3.  DO NOT DO ANYTHING DRASTIC!  This is most important do not dye your hair; get a tan or a facial the day before. The reason behind this is that you don’t want to do something that takes a day or two to set in.
    *   Hair Dye- Sometimes it takes a few days or a few washes to actually be the color that you want it to be.
    *   Tans- If you are a frequent tanner you may not want to get tanned the day before because anything can happen and you want to look even tone instead of ORANGE!
    *   Facials- Be careful because these can break you out… facials are designed to make you glow or make your skin look rejuvenated …but sometimes that have the opposite effect on your skin. Believe me ,you don’t want to have an allergic reaction the day before or look like a strawberry in your pictures.

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